As of September 1st, Romania becomes the 18th state participating in the unitary patent

Roumanie et brevet unitaire
Ip world
Publié le 13 September 2024

Just in time for the 1st anniversary of the entry into force of the unitary patent, Romania filed its instrument of ratification of the Unified Patent Court (UPC) Agreement on May 31, 2024. As of September 1, Romania becomes the 18th European country where the unitary patent will take effect. In parallel with this adoption, Romania will also be part of the Unified Patent Court (no information is currently available regarding a potential local division).

For those of you seeking protection in Romania and who need to request the registration of a unitary patent before September 1, please note that it is possible to request a deferral of registration until after September 1, thereby obtaining protection in all 18 states.

As always, Brandon IP is at your disposal should you require more information regarding the extension of the unitary patent to Romania.

Romania and unitary patent

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