Subtle changes in Japanese patent practice

Ip world
Publié le 21 June 2024

The Japan Patent Office (JPO) has published its 2024 Activity Report, a compilation of statistical information and policy findings from the year 2023, providing information on the current state of the intellectual property system as well as JPO initiatives and other topics.

Notable trends in 2023 are as follows.

– The number of patent applications rose back to 300,000 for the first time since 2019.

– Patent examination time frame remains very high compared with other countries.

– Electronic certificates

Gone are the days when Japanese paper certificates were a pleasure to keep and display in meeting rooms. The Japanese Patent Office has decided to follow the general trend of going all-electronic and from now on issued patent certificates will only be supplied in digital form.

If you would like more information on this subject, please visit the JPO website here:


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