Who are we?

Patent team


Our patent experts


Patent team: patent attorneys



Field of expertise
Physics, mechanics, materials, metrology and electronics

13 years of experience in various patent attorney firms
7 years of experience in research laboratories
Senior Patent engineer
French & European Patent Attorney
Representative at the UPC

Master I in Physics – Aix-Marseille University
Master II in Micro-electronics – Aix-Marseille University

PHD thesis in Micro-electronics – Institut National des Sciences Appliquées of Lyon
Center for International Intellectual Property Studies (CEIPI)
Patent Litigation in Europe – Strasbourg University
Master in Intellectual Property Law – Strasbourg University
English spoken

Judicial expert in patents before the Paris Court of Appeal
National Association of IP Attorneys – CNCPI
European Patent Institute – EPI

A runner at heart, Edern is also a keen swimmer and cyclist, with a triathlon in his sights.
As well as sports, Edern has a passion for photography, history and travel.



Edern Tranvouez - Equipe Brevets

To contact Edern:




Field of expertise
Biomechanics, physics, materials engineering, metallurgy, general and industrial mechanics

15 years experience in various IP attorneys firms
8 years experience in the industry
Senior patent engineer
French & European Patent Attorney

Master in Mechanics – Industry Sciences – University Pierre et Marie Curie
Master 2 in Biomechanics – University Paris 7
PhD thesis in biomechanics – ENSAM
Center for International Intellectual Property Studies (CEIPI)
English spoken

Professional qualification Board of examiners
National Association of IP Attorneys – CNCPI
Association of CEIPI friends – AACEIPI
European Patent Institute – EPI



Fabien Gauchet - Equipe brevets

To contact Fabien:


Michel LEVY


Field of expertise
IP strategy consulting
Consultant in development of innovation
Negotiation, licensing



Degree in electrotechnics and mechanics
University of Vincennes
English spoken – habla castellano

Expert to the World Intellectual Property Organisation – WIPO

Opera enthusiast, practitioner of tai chi chuan, also likes to chill.



Michel Lévy, Equipe brevets

To contact Michel:




External counsel

Field of expertise
Physics, mechanics, electronics, optics

20 years experience in various IP attorneys firms
3 years experience in the industry
French & European Patent Attorney

Civil engineer – Ecole nationale des Ponts et Chaussées
Master of Business Administration
Center for International Intellectual Property Studies (CEIPI)
Postgraduate Diploma in European Patent Litigation, University of Strasbourg
English spoken

Judicial expert in patents before the Paris Court of Appeal
Appointed technical judge at the Unified Patent Court (UPC)
European Patent Institute – EPI
National Association of IP Attorneys – CNCPI

Frédéric is married with three children.
He plays the cello in chamber music.
He is a reservist in the French Navy and holds the Croix du Combattant.



GAILLARDE Frédéric, Equipe Brevets Brandon IP

To contact Frédéric:


External counsel

Field of expertise
Biotechnologies, pharmacy, cosmetics, agri-food

10 years of experience mostly in IP law firms

French & European Patent Attorney

Master in biotechnologies and law
Center for International Intellectual Property Studies (CEIPI)
English spoken

Member of the national Association of IP attorneys – CNCPI
Member of the European Patent Institute – EPI

A musician at heart, a nature lover and an enthusiastic permaculturist.



Quentin Jorget, Equipe brevets

To contact Quentin:




External counsel

Field of expertise
Mechatronics (mechanics, automation, IT, electronics)

13 years of experience mostly in IP law firms

French & European Patent Attorney

Postgraduate Diploma in European Patent Litigation, University of Strasbourg
Master in Strategic Management of Change through Innovation
Center for International Intellectual Property Studies (CEIPI)
English spoken

Member of the national Association of IP attorneys – CNCPI
Member of the European Patent Institute – EPI

Tangui has two children.
He practices crossfit and running,
He enjoys video editing.
When he’s not working, he’s a volunteer fireman.



Tangui Derriennic, Equipe brevets

To contact Tangui:




Field of expertise
Electricity, electronics, physics, optics, electromechanics

15 years of corporate experience, senior patent engineer then VP IP & Licensing of a large group – focus on value creation from innovation

24 years of experience in Industrial Property Consulting Firms, founder of Global Inventions

Electrical engineering degree from ENSAIS Strasbourg
Microelectronics Specialization Degree from SUPELEC
DEA in Photonics from the University of Strasbourg

Degree from the Center for International Studies of Industrial Property (CEIPI)
Law degree from the University of Nice

Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Stanford University (USA)

Fluent English and German

Industrial Property Counsel (CNCPI)
Trademark attorney near the EUIPO

Eclectic interests in art, landscape photography, travel, oenology.




Bernard Nonnenmacher

To contact Bernard:




External counsel

Field of expertise
General and industrial mechanics, material, general areas

15 years experience in an IP attorneys firm
8 years experience in the industry
Senior patent drafter

Initial training in mechanical technologies
English spoken



Pierre ERCOLANI, Equipe Brevets

To contact Pierre:


Les assistantes paralégales chez Brandon IP



Administrative assistant for patents and annuities
English spoken – habla español – ben Türkçe konuşuyorum – ես խոսում եմ հայերեն

To contact Anais : patent@brandon-ip.com


Anais Ozcan, Equipe brevets

To contact Anais:



Supporting functions

Ndioro SENE


Accounting and administrative manager


Ndioro SENE - Fonctions support

To contact Ndioro:

logo The use factory
Mathias d’Estais
The use factory

A genuine commitment to patent quality

I know I have very high standards, and Brandon IP meets them.  


What we like best about working with Brandon IP: the fact that they are willing to question the draft with a genuine desire for patent quality, and Edern’s commitment to this approach.

Logo femme
Christelle Caron

The team lived up to my expectations

My relationship is excellent, there’s always someone to listen to me, to explain certain points I don’t understand, to give me strategic advice and, more generally, to answer my questions.

I’m completely satisfied with Mr. Edern Tranvouez, and I have full confidence in him. Anaïs Ozcan also helps me with the follow-up of my files, which is perfect. The team meets my expectations perfectly.

From the 1st appointment, a great human and professional relationship with Mr. Lévy.

Intellectual Property attorneys, a regulated profession

The profession of Intellectual Property attorneys is governed by the Intellectual Property Code.
The Intellectual Property attorneys – specialising in Patents, are scientists/technicians with basic training.

They must have:

  • a scientific or technical undergraduate national degree issued by a public educational establishment for scientific, cultural and professional studies, as defined by the national education code
  • a degree issued by the Centre for International Intellectual Property Studies (CEIPI) of the University of Strasbourg, or the title of an accredited European patent attorney registered on the list kept by the EPO
  • professional experience of at least 3 years
  • successfully cleared a professional aptitude examination or have professional experience of eight years under the responsibility of a qualified person in intellectual property matters.



These conditions enable us, subject to meeting the criteria of background checks, to be registered in the list of qualified persons in matters of intellectual property.
Once accepted on this list, those who wish to become Intellectual Property attorneys must be registered on the list maintained by the French Office (INPI). All Intellectual Property attorneys must be members of the CNCPI.

Intellectual Property attorneys for Patents Designs advise and represent the firm’s clients for all issues related to the innovation and project validation, the submission and protection strategy as well as their defence. They also intervene in matters related to software.
With our legal training, we also also capable of advising you in contract matters, in the domain of intellectual property.
Since we cannot represent you before the courts, we work in close collaboration with lawyers who specialize in doing so and have combined with Rezac Law into Brandon Rezac.

Rezac Law


The paralegal assistants

A paralegal assistant is in charge of what we call legal administration. As indicated by the name, he/she helps the legal practitioners and engineers who specialize in intellectual property law.

Les assistant(e)s paralégal(e)s

In our firm, the assistant also handles the tasks of a normal secretary: noting appointments, updating the agenda, drafting letters, reports and minutes of meetings, as well as the responsibilities specific to him/her, such as the administrative aspects of legal processes: general management of deadlines and client dossiers, contact with the intellectual property offices and clients.

He/she especially intervenes in the creation and updating of the portfolio of rights and is in charge of the entire administrative monitoring of the dossier. For this, a software suited to the profession is used in order to continuously have an accurate overview of the surveillance of the various deadlines and client portfolios.

Regarding the preparation and formalities of submission, renewal and registration of trademarks, patents, industrial designs in France and overseas, he/she must monitor all developments and the related formalities: monitoring of deadlines, agreements, replying to refusals and notifying irregularities to the Offices, issuance of rights, extensions, trademark watch, management of the invoicing for all these formalities. Before sending a reminder of a due date to the client, verification and research may be necessary on the client’s legal situation.

He/she must also ensure the management of domain names of clients, namely the reservation, monitoring and renewal with the service provider.

He/she also prepares the quotations, in collaboration with the legal practitioners or engineers, replies to client enquiries on the progress of their dossier or on more general questions.

This is a central post in which relations with clients and the different interveners play a significant role.

Intellectual property

To contact our patent team:

Contact us